Welcome to Tarry Life™️
Tarry means to linger in expectation. Join us as we celebrate women of a certain age who want to live with intention and experience real joy; savoring the next stage of life.

Maximizing Your Workout: Tips for Peak Performance
In our quest for optimal health and longevity, exercise stands as a cornerstone of well-being. But how can we ensure that every workout counts, pushing us closer to our optimal fitness levels? Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a Pilates enthusiast, there are always...
Maximizing Your Workout: Tips for Peak Performance
In our quest for optimal health and longevity, exercise stands as a cornerstone of well-being. But how can we ensure that every workout counts, pushing us closer to our optimal fitness levels? Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a Pilates enthusiast, there are always ways to optimize your studio sessions for maximum effectiveness. In this article, we'll explore strategies to enhance Pilates practice, boost your performance, and achieve your...

Keep Sharp by Sanjay Gupta, MD
My mom gave me Dr. Sanjay Gupta's book, Keep Sharp, about brain health on Mother's Day last year. Thanks, Mom? I'm glad she did because I'm at the...

The Menopause Reset by Mindy Pelz
I hadn’t heard about Mindy Pelz until a few weeks ago when I was listening to a podcast about menopause, a subject that interests me greatly, since...

Spring? Yay! Allergies? Nay
Spring is in the air! It’s the season for growth, color, vibrancy, and renewal. But it’s not all baby birds chirping in nests and perennial buds...

Giving Sugar The Boot
I'm no Catholic but I'm giving up sweets for Lent. I talk a lot about intuitive eating and my hate of...

Mammy’s Vegetable Stew
Mammy’s Hearty Vegetable Beef Stew This is our all-time favorite comfort soup. Our grandmother, affectionately known as "Mammy," first introduced it...

I’m 50!
I turned fifty this week and I’ve been reflecting. If I had known at 25 or 33 or 37, ages where I felt “old” (mostly because I wasn’t where I wanted...

Generation X: The Best Generation?
We are a generation of pioneers. Generation X is wedged between the uber-proud Baby Boomers and the technologically savvy Millennials, and the...

Tarry Tale: Catching Dreams at 50
It was a morning much like every other morning. As a single mom of three, it all falls on me. Wake up, pack the lunches, take my son breakfast in...

Have Yourself a Tarry Little Christmas
How I plan to slow down and enjoy this December. I ran into a friend of mine at the market a few days ago, and when I asked how her Thanksgiving...