
I’m 50!

I’m 50!

I turned fifty this week and I’ve been reflecting. If I had known at 25 or 33 or 37, ages where I felt “old” (mostly because I wasn’t where I wanted to be yet), that I would feel so young and so good at 50, I would’ve relaxed a lot more back then. Warrior II on my...

I’m 50!

I turned fifty this week and I’ve been reflecting. If I had known at 25 or 33 or 37, ages where I felt “old” (mostly because I wasn’t where I wanted to be yet), that I would feel so young and so good at 50, I would’ve relaxed a lot more back then. Warrior II on my Bday Of course, you can only get these insights in hindsight and now I see those ages as sooo young. At twenty five, I didn’t know what I wanted to do for a career. I was trying to be...

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Alexandra Potter

Alexandra Potter

Our first TarryLife interview is with a super cool GenXer - writer, Alexandra Potter. I met Alex as a Pilates client in Santa Monica back in 2008. I...

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