In telling one of my friends about my ornery uncle who smokes all day and is kickin along just fine at 88 years old. She replied, “You know, 100% of non smokers are going to die.”
I started this year in a ball of excitement with so many goals and resolutions. I have lots of plans for my businesses, Phoenix Classical Pilates, Rodan + Fields, KonMari and Tarrylife. I have fitness goals and financial goals and family goals.
Then my dad died on January 2nd and my world came to a grinding halt. What’s the point of any of it? We’re all doomed. And we’re all going to die. Every last one of us alive right now will cease to live at some point.
I wallowed and I suspect I will be grieving for some time but I pretty quickly picked myself up and got back to work. A realization smacked me in the face. And it is super cliché. Wait for it…
Life is short.
And life is precious and amazing.
If I’m so lucky to live as long as my dad did- to 88. I’ve got a little over 42 years left. That sounds like a long time until I realize I started college 28 years ago. What? That seems like yesterday and those were formative years of so many new experiences. First loves and jobs and apartments and marriage and babies. Twenty eight years from now I’ll be looking at 74 and I bet it’ll come even faster than the 28 before. What am I going to do with it?
My dad lived a big life. He had a big career, a big family. He traveled the world. He was a true extrovert. I wish I had more of his naturalness with people. My only regret is not spending more time learning from him.

I don’t want to waste my time. I’m honoring my father by picking myself back up and getting on with it. I want to make him proud more than ever with my success and living a big life too.
My parents circa 1966 L.A. Rams Posing with a trophy
Memento Vivere means remember to live or don’t forget you will die. Alan’s brother, Blair had this tattooed on his arm and now Alan does too. I love the message. We only have right now. What are you going to do with your time? Because it’s going to end someday for all of us.
I’m going to be healthy and strong in body. I am going to have fun and enjoy my life. Spend time with my people, travel and eat good food. Not sweat the small stuff. And it’s all small stuff!
I’m so grateful for all I have – my husband, my children, my family, my friends, my work, my home, my pets. I have more than I will ever need. So here’s to hard work, strength, gratitude, love, fun and the soothing sound of the rain.

I miss you, Daddy. Now watch me.