Ch Ch Ch Changes

Dec 19, 2018 | Blog, Pilates, Uncategorized

I am absolutely loving having my own Pilates studio. It’s been a lot of work but overall so fun having my own business. In order to do my best work and focus on what’s important to me right now I’m making some changes on the Tarrylife website and in my social media.You may have noticed the browser website name comes up as I’m still here with the same message of pressing pause and paring down, simplifying, living in the moment. I’m still writing and sharing fitness, recipes, interviews and more. You can still find the site at or but I’m migrating the social media for this site to my name.

What was @thetarrylife on Instagram will now be @phoenixsantamonica. That’s where you’ll find all about our new awesome Pilates studio in Santa Monica. All my Tarrylife social media will go to @mollyniles on Instagram and Molly Niles Renshaw on FB. I apologize if this is confusing! I was stretched too thin with too many accounts so this will streamline my businesses

Thank you for reading and supporting me!

Love, Molly

Let’s Be Friends